Stricter rules and enforcement on information sharing

Recorded on 20 October 2022

Stricter rules and enforcement on information sharing

Main guest: Paul Geurts, Manager IT Security & Continuity at Achmea

This episode is all about importance of governance and labelling of unstructured data. Paul Geurts speaks about his previous experiences with labelling and classification of data and he explains the need for an appropriate solution to an ever-growing problem: unstructured data. He also emphasizes why it is important for Achmea to keep innovating on cybersecurity.

What we ultimately want to achieve is to know from all unstructured data within our company what you can and may do with it.
Paul Geurts

Solution architect at Achmea, Sjoerd van Leersum talks about the model developed within the project. He explains how the model works, what it can do and how he and his project colleagues have trained the model to become effective.

If we eventually implement this model, you no longer have to manually label data.
Sjoerd van Leersum
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