
Security Academy Unlocked: Security Behavior Coach

This event took place on 28 September 2022, Amsterdam

The Security Behaviour Coach: a new, valuable role in reducing cyber risks.

Cyber risks often originate from human behaviour. For example, it is known that people reuse their passwords or share them with others. This makes company systems vulnerable to external threats. To increase the digital security of organisations, it is therefore important to look at the behaviour of employees. 

It turns out that organisations often focus on technical solutions to reduce risks. A missed opportunity, because responsible behaviour by employees also leads to the reduction of risks. Many organisations have developed various Security Awareness campaigns and training courses for employees with the aim of making them aware of cyber risks. These often lack a thorough analysis of why employees behave as they do, in order to subsequently devise an effective intervention. Such analysis requires psychological and behavioural expertise.  
Within the PCSI, the question has been raised whether a new role (the Security Behaviour Coach), can contribute to more effective interventions and thus fewer incidents by users. To find an answer to this question, a PCSI innovation team researched the behaviour of employees within one of the partners. The team states that a Security Behaviour Coach with a holistic view on human behaviour, can make a valuable contribution in reducing security incidents by human actions through effective interventions.

During the Security Academy Unlocked Event on 28 September, the PCSI will share the results of the research into this new, strategic role in the security landscape.

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ING - Acanthus building
Bijlmerdreef 24

Time & date

September 28, 2022
18.00 hrs - 21.00 hrs

Q & A


Beeldmerk PCSI
PCSI is a collaboration of
    ABN-AMRO Achmea ASML Belastingdienst ING TNO