Liaison Partnership

The Liaison Partnership is designed for organisations that are strongly interested in, both learning from and contributing to, current and future cyber security innovations. A typical liaison partner is both capable and willing to bring value to the partnership, i.e., sharing PCSI’s goals and vision, possessing skills, experience and expertise in the field of cyber security (innovation) and committing to (in-kind) contributions for a selection of PCSI activities.

Your benefits as a Liaison Partner

  • Networking/Socializing with relevant cyber security parties
  • Contributing and learning by participating in selected PCSI projects
  • Early access to PCSI developments and research results
  • Access to the Security Radar, benchmarks, surveys, etc.
  • Early involvement in deployment of new technology
  • Tech Transfer opportunities 
  • Exposure and branding of your organisation as a cybersecurity innovator
  • Including all Public Community Benefits:
    • Connect with a leading network in cybersecurity innovation 
    • Stay up-to-date on current developments in cyber security innovation
    • Get inspired by cybersecurity innovation videos and articles
    • Gain in-depth knowledge from PCSI research publications
    • Attend PCSI-related public networking and online events
    • Share your experience and opinion in cybersecurity surveys

For more information on this interesting partnership, please contact Reinder Wolthuis. 

Photo of Reinder Wolthuis

Reinder Wolthuis

Program Manager PCSI at TNO

Reinder is an experienced cyber security innovator and leader, that preferably is in the lead of large and challenging cyber security innovation programs and projects. He considers himself capable of combining a strategic view with concrete ideas on how to realize tangible and usable results. He is loyal and reliable, likes to stimulate cooperation and tries to put in humor where possible.

+31 6 519 133 79

Beeldmerk PCSI
PCSI is a collaboration of
    ABN-AMRO Achmea ASML Belastingdienst ING TNO