Partnership Cyber Security Innovation extended until 2026

We are pleased to announce the official extension of our program for an additional three years. PCSI plays an essential role in a secure and resilient digital society by innovation in the field of cybersecurity.

The decision to extend the PCSI partnership for another 3 years was driven by the remarkable success achieved in the past years. With the two additional organizations, ASML and e Belastingdienst, that have become core partner during this period, the PCSI has turned into a true cross-sector cyber security innovation collaboration. 

Our Cyber Security Radar lists current security trends that are relevant for the PCSI partners. By periodically selecting the most significant and impactful trends, we generated concrete innovation projects for these trends. An agile way of working helped us to stay focused and continuously assess whether a project was still relevant. This way, we only work on topics that were relevant to all PCSI partners. This allowed us to deliver industry-leading cybersecurity insights to our core and liaison partners, empowering them to safeguard their critical assets and protect their businesses from cyber threats.

Over the past years, PCSI has proven to be a valuable public-private partnership in the cybersecurity sector, bringing their deep expertise and facilitating innovative thinking to the table. Together with core and liaison partners, PCSI has achieved significant milestones and established a strong foundation for future growth and innovation.

The renewal of this partnership for another 3 years will enable us to build on our past successes and further enhance our cybersecurity innovation cycle. By working closely with our partners, we will continue to develop and deploy innovative solutions that address the latest cyber threats and evolving risks faced by businesses and individuals worldwide.

In the coming years, PCSI will focus on several key initiatives, including short-cycle innovative research, long-term development projects and knowledge sharing. These endeavors will enable us to stay ahead of the game, educate our partners on best practices, and ultimately fortify their digital defense capabilities.

"We are excited to extend our program for another three years. By combining our expertise and resources, we can continue to increase the resilience of society against current cyber threats and vulnerabilities, and prepare participating organizations for emerging and long-term cyber security challenges.”
Reinder Wolthuis, Program Manager at PCSI

This extended partnership demonstrates our core partners' ongoing commitment for cyber security needs and our determination to stay at the forefront of the industry. We are confident that our partnership will continue to yield exceptional results, helping organizations thrive in a secure digital environment.

Beeldmerk PCSI
PCSI is a collaboration of
    ABN-AMRO Achmea ASML Belastingdienst ING TNO